What is the first step to get started?
You should just call our office at 727-859-4373 and we can make sure all of your questions are answered. At that point, we email you our property management agreement and set-up a time to view your rental property. It is that simple.
What are your fees?
Our fees are 8% of rent collected and we charge 50% of the first month’s rent as a leasing fee. This includes marketing the property, finding a renter and conducting all background checks.
How long does it typically take to rent a home or condo?
It normally takes us 2-4 weeks to rent your property, provided the property is priced appropriately and everything is clean and looks good.
How am I notified of maintenance expenses?
You will typically receive an email for any maintenance requests by tenants. For any repairs estimated to exceed $250, we must get your written permission through email before we begin, unless it is an emergency repair. For example, a water pipe bursts at 2:00am in the morning, and you are unavailable.
Do you require a processing or set-up fee?
No, we do not charge you these fees. Many companies claim this is necessary fee to put you into their computer system and begin the marketing. This is nonsense. It only takes 5 minutes or less to type you into any property management software in the world. The marketing is paid for out of the leasing fee. These fees are 100% profit to a management company and completely unnecessary.
Do you handle all tenant complaints and maintenance calls?
Yes, we take care of all issues with a tenant and maintenance. We have staff completely dedicated to handling and resolving tenant issues and collecting rent. In addition, there are full-time maintenance guys on staff to handle repairs.